2024 Jog-A-Thon Online Donations

Please help with your generous support. You can pledge a certain amount per lap or make a one-time contribution as shown below. The student(s) have one hour to run, jog, walk or crawl around a 1⁄8th mile track, as many times as possible.Your contribution IS tax deductible!

A student can walk about 20-25 laps in an hour.
A steady jogger can run 35-40 laps.

Thank you so much for supporting our school and the family you designate below.
May God Bless You!

Last name of family you wish to sponsor:  
Type in a Family Name:

Select an Existing Family
Two Ways to Help!
Per Lap Pledge (Check One)                  OR One-Time Gift (Check One)
Other $

Other $